Message from the Masters – 6th Nov

Nov 07

Message from the Masters – 6th Nov

Message from the Masters

Dear Ones,

When you feel sad and let the tears flow, it’s actually helping your body to heal from the pain

The chemicals, makeup of the tears is the natural solution to this pain. Your body is a magnificent piece of architecture – artwork in its finest form. This beauty is no different when you look at a beautiful scene, a breathtaking rainbow, a mesmerizing sunrise.

When you approach your emotions in the same way, appreciate their beauty. Most of you are taught to dam it, suppress it. The emotions are not the culprit. When you attempt to damn the flow in a swift river, it creates a force ( behind the dam). It is this force that is damaging ( when it’s not given the right avenue to express it ).

When you approach yourself in the same way, are you able to see your beauty ? Is this beauty subjective ? No. We are not talking about judging and letting it determine. We are talking about you standing on your feet and loving yourself. We are saying, your presence is love. When you acknowledge yourself, it is love acknowledging itself.

When you create such a coherent field, a soft presence comes forth. Clearly this idea is prevalent, your history attributes and inspires people to unconditional love, compassion, wisdom, courage.

Still water runs deep.

This doesn’t mean you become passive. It simply means you let your actions be governed by these guiding principles of the heart. This does not mean inaction. it means you do something yet in a way that lets it go. (Explain please?) Like looking at a flower and not holding to preserve its beauty.

When you look at the pain ( emotionally ) , thank it for being there. To teach you what has transpired, What has it taught you, what song is it singing, what picture is it painting, what lights does it need.

Afterwards, simply invite it to go back to Love/Grace/Light.

Give your best wishes, blessings, highest intentions for the just-deceased to go to a realm most suited for him/her.

And as you cry/tear in response to emotional heartache, remember that we can extend our hands to you. Just ask that we hold you in love and we well. –The Lords and Masters of the Akashic Records


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