An Imaginative Version of an Akashic Records Session
May 16
![An Imaginative Version of an Akashic Records Session](
So, Let’s Go on This Imaginative Trip on What’s In a Session, Yay?
Here’s an imagination of a conversation between a Akashic Records Reader and a client.
• MTLOs – refer the Masters, Teachers, Loved Ones
Usually I’ve asked the client to prep their questions, their issues which needed clarity etc.
And the following conversation shows you now this/where may take the client to ( laughter, tears come foc, btw )
A – Reader
C – Client
*Note : No one’s session details are used within.
( after opening the records )
A: Good morning. What can I for you today ?
C: I’m totally beat. I’m totally tired. I feel awful. What are the reasons why so ?
A: Well, there seems to be some problem with you following orders?
C: Really ? How so ?
A: A part of you is rebelling against taking orders. A part of this memory resolves to another lifetime.
C: What’s that doing that ?
A: You feel you are taking orders which are not truthful. You had to take orders from
people, those superior of yours which demand you carry out the orders.
C: In short, it’s against my conscience ?
A: Yes. But at the point time, you feel you have to obey this order. At the time, you feel
obedience to the order is the Truth. It is the feeling of this Truth that leads you
to this convincing yourself , you must absolutely listen to that order. The feeling is what you were resonating to.
C: Yet what I was doing, is not right ? Was I creating a lot of killing , torturing ? ( grimaced look )
A: It was a wartime and people were suffering. You went into the war, thinking you can help betterment the situation by winning the war. Your intention was to help relieve the suffering of more, by helping the war end faster.
C: And it was wrong, right ? It never will end faster?
A: Why would a fire extinguish if you keep pouring oil onto it?
C: What’s the purpose of that lifetime then ? What was I supposed to gain from it ?
Was there any reasons at all ?
A: It was for you to discern between the genuine actions of compassion and the not-so-genuine actions of compassion.
C: I’m not so sure I even get that one. Please elaborate.
A: The intentions are important, as are the actions. Your purpose is to understand the consequences of those actions. And when you have noble intentions, acknowledge them. These represent the depths of your heart.
C: Look, I *had* noble intentions then. Look what happened !
A: And we ask you to look further. The war is not just a mere product of your thoughts. Things can be manifested on a lot of common energies coming together. It is no longer necessary to blame yourself for your actions in that war.
(A further picture surfaced was that the client was praying intensely at a church in that era).
C: Praying for repentance? (hint of annoyance at oneself)
A: No, praying for peace. Inner peace. He has realized that only inner peace can lead to outer peace.
He is praying for compassion from the Lord, from Mary to come from far.
In times of turbulence and war, Love and Compassion seems like multitude of galaxies away. Even if it if just within your Heart, it still looks like millions of light years away!
In times of suffering, of pain, of emotional turmoil, all the genuine qualities are seemingly hard to summon, because it’s very easy to forget their presence.
C: You said “seemingly hard”.
A: Yes, because in reality, it is just right in front of you.
C: And that means…..
A: You were there, you remembered to ask for it to come. And here you are.
C: Only moments and lifetimes too late?!
A: Oh no. It is not too late. Nothing’s ever too late.
C: So I am asking it to come now, even if that was the past?
A: Yes, it is never too late to ask it come. Never at all.
(continuing on after asking directions on how to resolve the unhealed past)
I would like to ask myself to forgive myself for committing those acts then.
I would like to let it go please.
And I forgive myself for having the shortsightedness of blinding following orders.
I forgive myself for being naive then, for making a mistake
I forgive my superiors for thinking their orders are remnants of the Truth.
I intend for Grace, full unconditional Grace to be present.
May all beings benefit greatly from this lesson.
And I thank myself ( that life ) for granting me a chance to see things at another level.
(pauses and let things settle for a moment – this can happen when work is being done and released at various points)
A: And they thank you for doing this work on yourself !
C: I’m really touched that I am able to do this. It was…a bit hard ( struggling but settling with the emotional grasps )
And somehow, it’s brought me to another level, to see how power can be used differently.
I’m still having difficulty in grasping the concept of power here.
A: Do not deny that power within your heart. You have done quite a lot for today. We will close for today. Thank you for your presence. And may your Heart be always reminded of its Love, Wisdom and Compassion!