Getting A New Lease Of Life
Feb 21

SOMETIMES, We take it that it is necessary for us to buy a new outfit, buy a new item, a new dress, to get out of an old situation. In truth, it is perhaps the least helpful alternative advice we can give to ourselves.
That taken in perspective, the action does deserve some credit. More often, it is giving ourselves a message that something needed to be addressed to, some matter to be looked into. More often than not, it is not the introduction of something new – it is the introduction of clarity, something not quite usual – something not clothed in boredom, not cloaked in “ordinariness”.
Why does our mind play such a cruelty on us, you may ask ? But is it really cruelty, or is it simply an attempt to point something out to us ? Perhaps that something is just hidden right under our eyelids, and cannot be discovered that easily – at least not without breaking some boundaries.
On the other hand, shopping, a new bag, a new pair of shoes is easier though. It saves ourselves the agony and trouble without really looking into the issue.
After quite a bit of time tendering on this, I have to admit that in the past, I took to shopping, buying, surfing online, new clothes, new classes, new degrees, as a thing to start at an alternative. Most people often forgot to address the basic roots of the recurring “move” back to this pattern.
For me, this is just another way of saying “I’m just damn afraid to look at my fears, who really knows what’s lurking in there?”
Some of us are afraid of changes. Some are afraid of not remaining on status quo. What about my family, my reputation, my job, my image – the 101 excuses that might flow through the mindscreen. Yes, some of concern are legitimate. Our mind is not entirely nonsensical or wrapped in fears.
What is important is unearthing the unconscious mindsets behind those thoughts. Sometimes, some of these are merely ways to get our attention to look at the more important things – for instance, where are the damaging patterns, what are the non-beneficial patterns we are looking at?
Why would buying a new clothes, a new bag bring anything new, if the mind is already cluttered and embedded in a whole paradigm of expectations, limitations? Why would new thoughts be any more helpful than the old ones, when the arguments take place in old patterns ?
Why not something born of creativity, of new ideas ?
Would not a solution, brainstorming on new solutions, out of the ordinary, be a better solution ?
Why not give this a try ?
Jon Rappoport has a series of interesting products, seminars which may be interesting to some of you reading this article.
Go ahead to his website and take a look at the Products he has on offer.
Meanwhile, my opinion is that all solutions on a higher level are creative, and can only be born out of space.
Space when the mind is uncluttered and when all fears, anger, greed are taken in their regard. To take them in regard, is not to follow them, and not to deny their presence ( if you are wondering where that’s from, it’s from Tenzin Rinpoche ).
So why not give yourself a pat on your head, a chance to look at these people’s work, if your eyes reached this very part of this post? 🙂
Best wishes to all of you.